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    Automated billing, online! 

    Billy sends your invoices and statements by email. Invoices are sent when you raise them, or at regular times each month. Statements are sent out automatically each month, or you can send a statement at any time.

    Billy deals with credit notes, and keeps track of all of the money transactions you have with you customers.

    Billy is not an accounting system. Just simple, secure online billing.

    Billy also keeps track of all your products and prices, and the contracts that you have with each customer to provide them with a particular product at a given price. It automatically generates invoices accordingly.

    If you supply a product or service over a period of time, Billy keeps track of the contract, sends out invoices at regular intervals, and tells you when the contract is about to end and needs to be renewed.

    Billy is ideal for any business that sends regular invoices – subscriptions, rental, security services, or goods delivered throughout the month and then invoiced all together at the end of the month. But Billy will work just fine for anything, anytime, as long as the customer has email.


    The first 90 days are free! Thereafter it depends on the amount of Invoices that Billy sends on your behalf. Up to 5 Invoices per month are sent for free. Once we're sending 6-25 invoices the cost is R100 per month (for South Africans). For 26-100 invoices per month Billy does all this all for only R250 per month* (including VAT) per company, billed in advance. We also provide training, support and setup services for a once of fee of R250 (including VAT). Set up charge payable at the end of the trial period if you convert to a regular customer.

    * this covers sending 100 invoices, and any number of statements. After that Billy charges another R50 per month for every batch of 100 more invoices.

    If you are somewhere else, please contact us if you are interested in setting up and running a Billy Engine mirror site. 

    “You just tell Billy what bills to send and when, and it steams along and does it!”